One lesser-known complication in pregnancy that can take expectant parents by surprise is a missed abortion. In this article, we will find out what a missed abortion means, how it differs from other types of pregnancy loss, and possible signs that may indicate something is wrong.
What is a Missed Abortion?
Understanding Missed Abortion
Missed abortion, also known as a missed miscarriage, occurs when a pregnancy ceases to develop but remains in the uterus without any signs of expulsion. This condition can be identified through ultrasound, showing either an empty gestational sac or an embryo without cardiac activity. In such cases, women commonly experience no symptoms at all, though some might have mild cramping or spotting. Missed abortions typically occur before the 20th week of gestation.
How is a Missed Abortion Diagnosed?
Most missed abortions are discovered during routine prenatal check-ups when an ultrasound is performed. During the ultrasound, the doctor may notice that the embryo or foetus is not developing as expected or that there is no detectable heartbeat. This lack of development or heartbeat is often the first indication that a missed miscarriage has occurred.
In addition to ultrasounds, blood tests measuring human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels can assist in the missed abortion diagnosis. If hCG levels are not rising appropriately, it may signal that the pregnancy is not progressing normally.
What Are the Symptoms of a Missed Abortion?
Detecting a missed abortion can be difficult because it often occurs without the common miscarriage symptoms.
In many cases, women may continue to experience signs of pregnancy because the body has not yet recognised the loss of the embryo or foetus. This lack of clear symptoms makes a missed abortion difficult to detect without medical evaluation.
While many cases do not have symptoms; when there are symptoms, here’s what you can look out for:
- Cramping and Abdominal Pain: Some women may experience mild to severe abdominal cramping, which can be a sign of complications in pregnancy.
- Fluid Discharge from the Vagina: Women might notice unusual fluid discharge, which can vary in colour and consistency.
- Tissue or Clotted Discharge from the Vagina: The presence of tissue or clots passing from the vagina can signal that a miscarriage has occurred.
- Feeling Faint or Light-Headed: These symptoms can arise due to hormonal changes or blood loss associated with pregnancy loss.
- Contractions: Some women may experience contractions similar to those felt during labour, which can indicate that the body is attempting to expel the non-viable pregnancy tissue.
What Causes a Missed Abortion?
The exact causes of missed abortions are not always clear, but several factors may contribute to this condition:
- Chromosomal Abnormalities: Many miscarriages are attributed to chromosomal issues, which can prevent proper development and result in a missed abortion.
- Anembryonic Gestation (Blighted Ovum): This occurs when a fertilised egg implants in the uterus but does not develop into an embryo. The gestational sac may form, but it remains empty.
- Maternal Health Issues: Conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal imbalances can increase the risk of missed abortions.
- Uterine Abnormalities: Structural issues with the uterus, such as fibroids or congenital anomalies, can hinder normal foetal development and lead to miscarriage.
- Placental Problems: Abnormalities in placental development can affect nutrient and oxygen supply to the foetus, contributing to its demise.
- Infections: Certain infections can interfere with pregnancy viability and lead to missed abortions.
- Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, and exposure to environmental toxins are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.
- Age: The risk of miscarriage increases with maternal age, particularly after age 35, due to a higher likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs.
Treatment Options for Missed Abortion
After a diagnosis of missed abortion, three main treatment options are available: expectant management, medical management, and surgical intervention.
This approach involves monitoring the patient to see if the body will naturally expel the pregnancy tissue. However, this method may lead to complications in some cases, and it may be less effective in asymptomatic patients.
Medical treatment typically involves the use of abortion pills. In some cases, misoprostol is combined with mifepristone to enhance effectiveness. However, this will have to be performed under a doctor’s supervision.
Surgical management via dilation and curettage (D&C) has a high success rate, is predictable, and is typically performed in an outpatient setting.
How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Missed Miscarriage?
Recovery from a missed miscarriage can vary significantly among individuals, but many women find that physical recovery typically takes a few days to a few weeks. Most women can expect their first period to return within 4 to 6 weeks after the miscarriage, although this may be heavier and longer than usual. Emotional recovery, however, can take longer and often involves navigating feelings of grief and loss.
Is It Possible to Have a Healthy Pregnancy After a Missed Miscarriage?
Yes, it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy after a missed abortion. Most women go on to successfully conceive and carry a healthy baby following a miscarriage. However, you should allow your body sufficient time to heal before trying to conceive again, or as advised by your gynaecologist.

MBBS (Singapore), MMed (O&G) (Singapore), FRCOG (London), FAM (Singapore)
I am an obstetrician and gynaecologist with over 30 years’ experience in Singapore and the United Kingdom, dedicated to improving women’s reproductive health and wellbeing. From preventive care to medical and surgical treatments, I handle them all within my clinic. As a supporter of reproductive choice, I also provide abortion in Singapore that is safe, effective and confidential. At our accredited abortion clinic, patients can expect a smooth and informed process along with attentive follow-up care. Whatever the purpose of visit, I will be happy to serve you to the best of my ability.
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